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VIP Spotlight: Miami’s Transformation

Uncategorized Sep 04, 2017

VIP Spotlight: Miami’s Transformation Before the Peace Corps
Each month we share a VIP client spotlight transformation! This spotlight has ranged from moms who have transformed their bodies over the life of the program, to recent college graduates who wanted to get their bodies back from before their Freshman 15.

We have been blessed to be able to help so many of our clients succeed in such powerful ways. What keeps us excited is the stories we receive from them about their journey. We believe that health and fitness is more than just a body change. It is a life change. This is one of the most important factors in living the life you love.


Who is Miami?
I am a 24 years old and I just finished my masters program at University of Miami. I am from Sacramento, California where I played sports most my life. From gymnastics, dance, Tae Kwon Do and soccer. I love travel and adventure, traveling is like a second home for me! It allows me to do new things that give me joy like camping, hiking, playing sports, and being by the ocean in amazing new places.


What made you want to start your fitness journey?
I’ve been trying to get back in shape since my last surgery, which was my third knee surgery. For me, getting in shape was always done through sports, with a team and not in the gym. My biggest motivation was when I went to the doctor and finally stepped on the scale. I’ve never been small in high school. Back then, I was 165-170 of mostly muscle. But when I saw the scale, it was a huge wake up call. I was 219 pounds! That was really crazy to me because I was still active with running and frequented the gym. It made me realize that it was time to step it up and be a better version of myself. I had let my surgeries be an excuse for too long.

My biggest obstacle was knowing how hard to push myself because I’ve always had a coach to push me. I doubted my own strength at the gym because I didn’t want to hurt myself and honestly I didn’t think I was capable at times.

Why did you choose to work with Angie Marie as your coach?
My friend recommended me, she showed me a picture of her friend who had started the journey with Angie and the results were amazing. The way she caters each program to someone’s body type and need was huge for me. I always felt like it was hard for me to lose weight with my body type, so this was a perfect fit. It wasn’t a standard workout regimen that everyone has, it’s mine and catered to me and my lifestyle.

"It wasn’t a standard workout regimen that everyone has, it’s mine and catered to me and my lifestyle."

Being a full time student/getting ready to leave for Peace Corps in Peru what struggles you have dealt with?
It has been really hard at times sticking to the plan because working out doesn’t come first for me my schooling and preparing for the Peace Corps. I really had to prioritize my time to make my workouts and meal prepping fit into my days.

That meant me staying up a little later after work or school to complete everything or waking up a little earlier to get in those morning workouts. I like and thrive off of my seven to eight hours of sleep, but it was worth the late nights, early mornings and less sleep. Another obstacle was learning how to travel and stick to my plan. Since I am leaving for two years, there were vacations and people that I had see.

With the help of Angie, she really taught me that you can still enjoy a meal out without throwing all the work you put in away. Also, planning in advance to bring healthy snacks like almonds, rice cakes, and yogurt is key!

Do you have any mottos or sayings that you live by everyday?
A motto I have lived by is “pain is weakness leaving the body.” My seventy year old soccer summer coach and teacher would say that to us. Whenever our bodies were sore or our lungs hurt from sprints he would tell us that. It may sound harsh but it’s a great thing to live by–it pushes you to give 150%+ in everything because pain can come form failures, emotions, and your physical bodies.

What is some advice you have for someone who is just getting started?
My advice is to give it your all, we are not perfect but don’t give in to the little voice in your head that brings you down or tells you to cheat! Fight through the downs of your journey and celebrate the little wins because they add up (literally) in the end.

Miami has now begun her time in the Peace Corps and has been an incredible client throughout her time with us! If you would like to learn more about the Peace Corps, check out their website here. Are you interested in applying to our VIP Transformation program? You can do so here. 

If you’d like to subscribe to Okon Fitness, you can get our Booty Builder as a welcome gift here!

Want to understand how I use macro tracking to eat intuitively while staying in shape? Get the macro cheat sheet guide.

I worked with my team to put together a quick list of some of the most common foods so you are able to reference this as you are focused on maintaining a healthy lifestyleSimpleEasyEffective.


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