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5 Tips to Stay on Track This Summer

As the temperature rises and the days grow longer, it's easy to slip into a relaxed mindset when it comes to our health and fitness routines. However, maintaining a consistent workout regimen and healthy eating habits throughout the summer is essential for our overall well-being. To help you stay on track and make the most of this season, here are five tips to keep you motivated and dedicated to your fitness and nutrition goals.

Set Realistic Goals

How to write effective SMART goals - Breeze

When it comes to fitness and healthy eating, setting realistic goals is crucial. Understand your current fitness level and identify what you want to achieve realistically within the summer. Create a roadmap with specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, aim to work out three times a week or incorporate more vegetables into your meals. These attainable goals will keep you focused and motivated as you progress.

Plan Ahead

Summer can be a busy time with vacations, social gatherings, and outdoor...

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Pumpkin Spice Latte Protein Shake

Fall is here, which means so is #PSL season! According to Starbucks' website, a grande pumpkin spice latte with 2 percent milk and whipped cream is 380 calories. This includes 14 grams of fat, 52 gram of carbs, and 50 grams of sugar. Don't get me wrong, we all love a good pumpkin spice latte, but they are not the best option when you are trying to keep your calories (and sugar) down.

How Bad Can Pumpkin Spice Lattes Be? We looked, it's Bad!

Let's cut the calories, fats, AND sugars down a bit... and then up the protein content, shall we? 

Here is what you'll need:


  • ¼ Cup Canned pumpkin puree
  • ½ Medium banana sliced (preferably frozen)
  • ½ Cup Vanilla Greek yogurt
  • ¼ Teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • ½ Scoop Level-1 Protein Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • ¼ Cup Almond milk
  • optional garnish: light whipped cream and pumpkin pie spice


  1. Place the pumpkin puree, banana, Greek yogurt, pumpkin pie spice, protein powder, and almond milk in a blender.
  2. Blend until smooth.
  3. Pour into a...
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5 Tips To Upgrade Your Meal Plan

meal plan nutrition tips Jul 22, 2020

BREAKING NEWS: Your meal plan does NOT have to be boring in order to see results!

Whaaaattt? Mind blown. 

Now, before I get started, I want to make it clear that there is nothing wrong with a simple meal plan. Sometimes it is beneficial to keep your meal plan simple to make the meal prep game a breeze. However, if you are someone who gets bored easily, these tips are for you! 

Tip #1: Seasonings

masala, ingredients, spices, turmeric, chilli, table, kitchen ...

It is no surprise that seasonings play a huge role in the overall flavor of your meals. They are arguably the easiest way to mix up your meal plan. There are two ways to use seasoning to your advantage.

Pre-cook seasoning

A fairly common method to seasoning food is to season your food before or while cooking. Seasonings are generally low calories, as long as you are avoiding marinades/oil-based seasonings. 

Example 1: cook your ground turkey in taco seasoning for a tasty taco bowl. 

Example 2: add rosemary and salt to cubed sweet potatoes before popping them...

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Top 7 Movements for a Stronger Core & Visible Abs

Get a Stronger Core and Reveal Your Hidden Six Pack

And steps to see your abs ...

Whether summer is around the corner, you are ready to rock that bikini on vacation or you just want to see those mystical abs! 



Okay, I’m done yelling but got my point across. 

One of the biggest goals Okon clients set out to accomplish is to see their abs, which is a pretty common end goal! 

For many losing belly fat seems like a longgggg road, but what's more important is how dangerous stored body fat that surrounds the internal organs is. Excess fat makes it more difficult for organs to function properly.

This fat is also known as visceral fat, this  type of fat circulates throughout your bloodstream which puts you at risk for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease!

But back to...

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How To: Use your FITMAS Calorie Surplus to Your Benefit -- Holiday Gains the Right Way!


The Holiday Season -- Filled with Joy & Cheer, a time to celebrate when loved ones are near! well as the dreaded holiday weight gain...

Tis’ the season,  to eat all the treats, cheese & meats, a real Holiday Feast... The time of year that we aren't seeing our fitness goals clear, even with the coming New Year!

It is the season of indulgence and we merrily enjoy the festive fulfillment of stuffing ourselves into a ham, potato, pecan pie coma concluding the end of this year in true American culture -- tis the season to binge eat!

But for those of us who want to make it out of the holiday season without gaining the dreaded holiday weight, here are some tips to stay fit.

Tip 1: Eat in moderation & Enjoy time with loved ones

Christmas Dinner— the biggest concern over the holidays for almost everyone! You should partake in your holiday festivities and that INCLUDES FOOD!  You get to have your dinner (try to have some control) your...

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Proper Dieting and Nutrition: A CrashĀ Course

nutrition Oct 23, 2018

A brief outline of dieting and nutrition to help you stay on course

You started on your fit journey years ago it feels like. In reality, you just started your new diet today and it is only noon.

Anyone with me here? We know how difficult it can be to stick to a program or a diet. If you are following a certain program, sometimes the most difficult reasons are due to the fact that you don’t know why you are following a certain program.

Why can you not have a bagel in the morning? Or why do you need to have oatmeal and egg whites instead of bacon and toast?

Maybe you’re wondering why you are not able to have as many carbohydrates as before, and you just want to have those carbs!

We say this over and over but 80% of your results come from your diet and only 20% of your results come from your training. If your diet is not on point then your training will be of no use.

You go to the gym six days a week but if you also drink the whole...

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How To Meal Prep (Complete Guide)

nutrition Sep 01, 2018

I have been asked so many times about how I get and stay lean most of the year. The truth of the matter is, if you follow some basic steps, you have more than a 90% chance of success. And all this rests on the ability to meal prep.

Meal Prep Basics

I believe that if you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail. The biggest issue people have when they are trying to meal prep is that they don't come into it with a plan. If you are heading into Sunday night or even Monday morning trying to throw together some meals for the week, you will likely fail.

But if you do several things before you face the nuclear disaster of trying to meal prep at the last minute, then you will not only have a higher chance of success, you will also find yourself stress free and happy going into the week.

Step 1: Start With The Basics

Everyone likes to jump to getting their meals ready to go, but if you start with this, you are missing an integral part of getting ready for the week. What is your...

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