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The Power of Protein and Vegetables: Transforming Health and Fueling Weight Loss

When it comes to optimizing our health and achieving weight loss goals, one cannot underestimate the power of prioritizing protein and incorporating an abundance of vegetables into every meal. These two nutritional powerhouses work synergistically to provide an array of benefits that go beyond mere weight management. Let's explore how making these dietary choices can enhance your well-being and contribute to a healthier lifestyle.

Sustained Energy Levels

Sustained Energy All Day? Yes, It Is Possible | Natural Grocers

Protein is an essential macronutrient responsible for repairing and building tissues, enzymes, and hormones. By including protein in each meal, we stabilize blood sugar levels and feel fuller for longer periods, avoiding energy crashes and unhealthy snacking. This sustained energy enables us to perform daily activities with vigor and helps us stay on track with our weight loss goals.

Enhanced Metabolism and Muscle Maintenance

Protein-rich foods require more energy for digestion, leading to a slight boost in metabolism. This...

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The Best Diet to Follow to Reach Your Goals

health & nutrition Feb 20, 2023

If you are reading this, I'm excited you are looking to learn more about nutrition...which is arguably the most important part of overall health. Even more so when it comes to seeing changes in our bodies, this is a key component to results. 

You may be hoping there is a secret diet i am going to share in this be real, there is no real secret. We seem to want to complicate things by doing crazy hardcore fad diets that only result in short term results. 

I am however going to provide information for those who actually are looking to change their eating habits and make healthy choices. This takes commitment, DAILY. Not just for 2 weeks until your vacation, or 6 weeks until a wedding date. It's about making the healthier choices day in and day out that are going to add up over time. 

But still the question remains, what diet is best? I will provide a few different diets we see in the fitness industry, starting with the method I PREFER to do personally as...

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Foolproof Travel Tips: Stay On Track

Traveling outside of your day to day...and suddenly you don't remember how to eat healthy, working out is a thing of yesteryear, you're eating like calories don't count cuz YOLO ... and before you know it you've completely been off track for days maybe even weeks on end. 

What if I told you, you can still go on vacation, travel, or teleport to another planet and stay on track (just make sure you research the food available LOL we will get to that)

Healthy habits and routines tend to fall to the wayside when we go on a trip or travel especially to an unknown area. Whether it be a road trip, a work trip, vacation catching flights. Often we complicate the situation or lack the tools to successfully stay on track.

So let me give you my 4 scenarios, paired with the simple tools to stay on track no matter where you go..  on earth at least lol.


Travel Tip #1: You are going on a fabulous dream vacation, but you don't want to "ruin" all your hard work.

First off, how...

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The Key Macro for Successful Fat Loss

Protein: The G.O.A.T.

We've all been there, looking for a quick fix to drop 10 pounds, or searching for a one-step tip for success. Unfortunately, this is not usually possible. We know that exercise is important in creating a caloric deficit and body recomposition... but diet and proper nutrition is the main driver for fat loss. We also know that everybody is different and will require a different strategy to achieve the goal of fat loss. That being said, we are here to tell you, with a high degree of confidence (backed by science), that protein is one of the main keys for every individual to successfully drop body fat (the right way).

Here's why:

#1 Helps you feel fuller, longer.

One of the biggest reasons people fail when starting a new meal plan or macro goal is due to feeling excessively hungry. When someone is hungry, they are much more likely to stray from their goals and overeat. This is where protein comes into play. Protein is the most satiating macro, compared to...

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The 10 Best Strategies On Staying On Track During Trips & Events

health & nutrition Jun 17, 2020
Help! I have an event/I have to travel and I don’t want to eat off plan but I also don’t know how to navigate to stay on track! Sound like your current situation? Well..welcome to living a fit healthy life in an unfit world! Let me help you!! These are my best tips to give others who are really trying to make their health a priority and not just a quick fix.

Here are my 10 best tips to staying on track!

1. Be too blessed to be stressed!

Don’t stress. It’s ok. It’s only food. So many times people will skip events behave there will be good they can’t eat or alcohol and they want to avoid temptation.. which makes sense... not realistically... food and drinks are everywhere... so you’re better off learning what you can do with what you have without stressing yourself the Fuck out. It will be ok. I promise.

2. You've got options - know what they are!

Know your options before you go! If you know what restaurant you will be at, look online...

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You Are Worth It: A Step by Step Guide to Creating the Life That You Deserve

health & nutrition Apr 27, 2019

Hey Queen! Thanks for being here.

Today, I’m going to share with you the top four  tools that I have implemented into my life that have made a significant impact in creating the life that I deserve (and that you deserve too!) These tools cover alllll the bases: financial, mental, physical, and emotional health.  

All too often, we forget that our health goes far deeper than eating a handful of kale or lifting a dumbbell. Our health is steeped in our relationship with money, who we choose to surround ourselves with, the media we consume, and our gut health.

I’ve compiled this list of tools because I know that taking charge of your health isn’t a simple task. We are always a work in progress; an ongoing project. We are always on a journey of creating the very best versions of ourselves.

This journey is not going to be easy, but I promise you that it will be worth it. So thank you so much for showing up today; thank you for caring about yourself enough to...

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